jointseg 1.0.2 (2019-01-11)
- Bug fixed in vignette for CRAN %\VignetteIndexEntry{Generating realistic data}
jointseg 1.0.1 (2017-11-28)
- Bug fixed to pass R CMD check under Solaris
jointseg 1.0.0 (2017-11-27)
jointseg 0.8.2-9000
jointseg 0.8.1-9000
- Minor updates to C code to pass R CMD check cleanly under R 3.4.1
- 'acnr' moved from Depends to Imports
jointseg 0.8.0-9000
- Added more tests
- Fixed Issue #4
jointseg 0.8.0
- Fixed issue #5: the package does not rely on cghseg:::segmeanCO anymore!
jointseg 0.7.4
- Added pruned DPA algorithm [GR]
- Added a test that pDPA and classical DP yield identical results for (small) univariate signals
jointseg 0.7.3
- Data generation vignette is now .Rmd instead of .Rnw.
jointseg 0.7.2
- Moved documentation from inlinedocs to roxygen2 (as per Issue #2)
- Minor updates to vignette following changes to 'acnr'.
- PSSeg vignette is now .Rmd instead of .Rnw
jointseg 0.7.1
- Minor bug fix in 'plotSeg' in the default value of parameter binExclPattern.
jointseg 0.7.0
- In 'PSSeg': added argument 'rankTransform' to allow rank-based
segmentation to be performed.
jointseg 0.6.4
- Bug fixed in vignette (remove GFLars segmentation)
jointseg 0.6.3
- Bug fixes for submission to CRAN
jointseg 0.6.2
- Updates to vignette.
- Updates to CITATION.
jointseg 0.6.1
- In 'estimateSd': SPEED UP for method "Hall": vectorization.
- In 'jointSeg', 'PSseg': it is now possible to run 'modelSelection'
on initial segmentation. Default behavior of the functions is
- In 'getCopyNumberDataByResampling', if 'regAnnot' is NULL (the
default), frequencies of regions (0,1), (0,2), (1,1) and (1,2) (the
most common alterations) are set to represent 90% of the regions.
jointseg 0.6.0
- Moved 'doCnaStruct' to 'otherMethods/'.
- Packages passes R CMD check --as-cran.
jointseg 0.5.4
- Replaced 'jointSeg' by 'jointseg' in 'inst' scripts.
jointseg 0.5.3
- Some changes to the main vignette (now using 'knitr').
- Updates in scripts to perform ASCAT segmentation.
jointseg 0.5.2
- Added a vignette to illustrate how to add a new method.
jointseg 0.5.1
- Changed Illumina to GSE11976 and Affymetrix to GSE29172
- Bug fixed for PSCBS, DynamicProgramming and CBS methods.
- Updated scripts
jointseg 0.5.0
- Major changes in the interface of the main functions 'PSSeg' and
- Now 'doGFLars' is a wrapper calling the lower-level 'segmentByGFLars'.
- Now 'doRBS' is a wrapper calling the lower-level 'segmentByRBS'.
- Added 'binMissingValues' so that it may be used not only for GFLars.
- Cleaned up documentation and examples.
jointseg 0.4.7
- in 'jointSeg': added argument 'segFUN' and flavor "other" to enable
a user-defined segmentation method to be used.
jointseg 0.4.6
- BUG FIX in 'doCBS': replaced start bkp given by CBS by end bkp as we
consider ends of segments for all methods. Only makes a difference
when there are missing values in the signal.
jointseg 0.4.5
- Bug fixed in scripts to build table of the paper.
- Updated mapping for d|het segmentations (median).
jointseg 0.4.4
- Added scripts to 'inst/otherMethods' and 'inst/syntheticProfiles'
to address referees' comments.
jointseg 0.4.3
- Added 'inst/figures' to reproduce the figures of the paper.
jointseg 0.4.2
- 'plotSeg': Calculation of segment means would fail when a breakpoint
was detected between the first and second position.
jointseg 0.4.1
- Renamed function 'jointSeg' to 'jointseg' to avoid name clash with
package name.
- Now all documented functions are exported.
- Updates in vignette.
jointseg 0.4.0
- Added scripts to reproduce methods comparison of the jointSeg paper
to dedicated subdirectories.
- Added scripts to reproduce figures of the jointSeg paper to 'figures'.
- Removed defunct package PSCN from 'Suggests' field, and moved function
'doPSCN' to (newly created) directory 'zzz.defunct'.
- Removed 'R.utils' from 'Depends' field.
jointseg 0.3.17
jointseg 0.3.16
- 'segmentByNnn' replaced by 'doNnn'.
- Replaced 'segmentByCghseg' by 'doDynamicProgramming'.
jointseg 0.3.15
- Wrappers for PSCN and CnaStruct now operate systematically on
log-scaled copy numbers (ie LRRs). Thanks to report by Hugues
- Segmentation methods can now be run on numeric vectors or
data.frames (when appropriate).
jointseg 0.3.14
jointseg 0.3.13
- Bumped version number to trigger build by R-forge.
jointseg 0.3.12
- Added function 'getTpFp' so that performance can be evaluated in a
scale which does not depend on the signal length. Updated examples
and vignette accordingly.
jointseg 0.3.11
- Added argument 'regNames' to 'plotSeg' so that region labels are
plotted if available.
jointseg 0.3.10
- Some example code now embedded in 'require()' statements to avoid
problems in the R CMD check mechanism of R-forge.
jointseg 0.3.9
- Added argument 'K' to 'pruneByDP'.
jointseg 0.3.8
- Modification in 'segmentByCnaStruct'
jointseg 0.3.7
- Added segmentation methods PELT and CnaStruct
jointseg 0.3.6
- Added flavor "Hall" to estimate standard deviation in 'estimateSd'.
- Added argument "DP" in 'PSSeg' and 'jointSeg'.
- Added argument "relax" in 'getTprTnr' and definition of true negatives.
- Added return value "rse" in 'segmentByRBS'.
- Added argument "connex" in 'getCopyNumberByResampling'.
jointseg 0.3.5
- In 'PSSeg' and 'jointSeg': added argument 'jitter'.
- In getCopyNumberDataByResampling': added argument 'connex' to forces
adjacent regions to be connex.
- In 'getTprTnr': added argument 'relax'.
jointseg 0.3.4
- 'segmentByGFLars' now handles missing values.
- In 'PSSeg': Flavor "GFLars" can now be run at full resolution
jointseg 0.3.3
- BUG FIX in 'segmentByPSCBS'.
- flavor = 'PSBCS' added.
- Removed segmentByPairedPSCBS.
jointseg 0.3.2
- BUG FIX in 'modelSelection': if the dimension is too small, in 'jointSeg' if flavor = 'CBS' or 'PSCN' no using of 'modelSelection'.
jointseg 0.3.1
- Bumped acnr dependency (>= 0.1.1) to fix minor case sensitivity issue.
- Reduced graphics size in vignette.
jointseg 0.3.0
- Updated vignette.
- Passes R CMD check with no errors.
jointseg 0.2.5
- Updated NAMESPACE.
- Moved dilution data sets to new package 'acnr'.
jointseg 0.2.4
- Cleanups in doc and return values.
- 'jointSeg' now returns 'bestBkp'
- Removed 'position' from I/O in 'getCopyNumberDataByResampling' and 'PSSeg'.
- In 'plotSeg': added arguments 'exclNames', 'ylabs', and
'binExclPattern' so that 'plotSeg' can handle not only copy number
- Improved doc and examples.
- Now using 'ERMajustment' for model selection.
- BUG FIX in 'segmentByRBS': Empty candidate list would give an
error. Now returning early when 'minRegionSize' is too large for 'K'.
jointseg 0.2.3
- Added 'loadCnRegionData'.
- Added Affymetrix dilution data set (from GEO:GSE29172 and GSE26302).
- Removed 'setNormalContamination' as it is not needed anymore.
- In 'getCopyNumberDataByResampling':
- Added argument 'regAnnot', through which theoretical frequencies
for each CN regions can be specified.
- Added arguments 'bkp' and 'regions' to allow for bypassing the
breakpoint generation step.
- Made the constraints on CN transitions more generic.
- Added 'loadCnRegionData'.
jointseg 0.2.2
- Replaced all 'jumps' by 'bkp'.
- Added argument 'platform' to 'segmentByPSCN'.
- Added Illumina dilution data set (from GEO:GSE11976).
jointseg 0.2.1
- BUG FIX in 'segmentByCghseg': index shift when reshaping
- Now 'PSSeg' can also run 'CBS' segmentation.
jointseg 0.2.0
- Now 'PSSeg' can also run 'PSCN' and 'cghseg' segmentations.
- Updated doc and vignette.
jointseg 0.1.21
- Now 'segmentByRBS' handles missing values. Therefore, 'PSSeg'
and 'jointSeg' with the corresponding flavor also do.
- Added Argument 'statistic' to 'PSSeg'.
- Now 'segmentByRBS' scales each dimension to unit variance using
jointseg 0.1.20
- Some code and doc cleanups.
- Renamed 'binSeg' to 'segmentByRBS'.
- Renamed 'dpSeg' to 'pruneByDP'.
- Renamed 'segmentByGflars' to 'segmentByGFLars'.
jointseg 0.1.19
- SPEEDUP: removed redundant calls to 'getRSE' in 'binSeg'.
jointseg 0.1.18
- Added function 'runPSCN' as a convenient wrapper to PSCN + DP.
jointseg 0.1.17
- Added function 'getTprTnr' to evaluate the performance of
segmentation methods.
- Added function 'prof' for optional reporting of CPU and memory usage.
jointseg 0.1.16
- Added 'setNormalContamination'.
jointseg 0.1.15
- BUG FIX in 'binSeg': index shift in correspondence b/w breakpoint position and interval.
jointseg 0.1.14
- Added 'binSeg' for binary segmentation.
- Added wrappers 'jointSeg', 'plotSeg', 'PSGFL'.
- Added argument 'flavor' to 'jointSeg' so that one can run GFLARS or
binary segmentation before dynamic programming.
jointseg 0.1.13
- Added example data files and scripts based on public data set GSE19539.
- Added scripts to generate these data files from raw CEL files in GSE19539.
jointseg 0.1.12
- Added model selection part to 'modelSelection'.
- Removed model selection part in 'dpseg'.
jointseg 0.1.11
- Renamed 'randomProfileTCGA' to 'getCopyNumberDataByResampling'.
jointseg 0.1.10
- Added 'randomProfileTCGA'.
jointseg 0.1.9
- BUG FIX in randomProfile: 'minLength' would not work as expected.
jointseg 0.1.8
- Tentative bug fix in gflars: indices in gammaTemp.
- SPEEDUP: removed unnecessary calls to 'complex'.
- Updated documentation
jointseg 0.1.7
jointseg 0.1.6
- SPEEDUP: removed explicit calls to 'matrix()' and 'apply(..., rev)'.
- Package documentation now done using 'inlinedocs'.
jointseg 0.1.5
- Improved scripts for assessing replication of the MATLAB version.
- Improved scripts for testing speed.
jointseg 0.1.4
- BUG FIX: in optimizeLARS.R, the index in 'lambda' was off by 1.
- Added 'value' to the return values of 'optimizeLARS'.
- Renamed 'optimizeLARS' to 'gflars'.
jointseg 0.1.3
- BUG FIX: in optimizeLARS.R, 'Y' should be centered but not scaled.
- Added dpseg.R: finds the best set of change points from a(n over-)
segmentation using joint dynamic programming.
jointseg 0.1.2
- SPEEDUP: replaced 'apply(, 1, sum)' by 'rowSums()'.
jointseg 0.1.1
- Added test scripts for replicating MATLAB version.
- Added test scripts for speed trials.
jointseg 0.1.0